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Robert V (Bob) Shoemaker


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 14-Jul Chipmunk Springs - 1976 A Payette S.Mello, R.Shoemaker


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Jun Mule Creek Point - 1977 A Payette Paulson, R.Shoemaker
2 27-Jun #8584 - 1977 B BLM Alaska B.Johnson, R.Shoemaker, plus 6
3 8-Jul #8604 - 1977 B BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, W.Kaaen, plus 2
4 16-Jul #8672 - 1977 B BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, plus 1
5 17-Jul #8712 - 1977 B BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, plus 5
6 23-Jul #8787 - 1977 A BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, plus 1
7 24-Jul #8829 - 1977 C BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, plus 5
8 30-Jul #7716 - 1977 C BLM Alaska N.Davis, Paulson, R.Shoemaker, plus 5
9 4-Aug #8939 - 1977 A BLM Alaska R.Shoemaker, plus 1
10 14-Aug Sphinx - 1977 A Redmond Williamette R.Shoemaker, Barber(RAC)
11 9-Sep Devil's Toe - 1977 B Payette R.Shoemaker, Archuleta, Collier, Felt, Askelson, Mazzier


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 29-Jul Norton Ridge - 1978 A Challis R.Shoemaker, Eames
2 10-Aug Cap Fire - 1978 Redding Tahoe R.Shoemaker, Hvizdak, Martinez, Holte, Simmons
3 19-Sep Three Mile - 1978 Payette Koncinsky, Duel, Flock, N.Davis, Martinez, Halligan, Diederich, R.Shoemaker, H.Roberts, French
4 20-Oct Diamond Peak - 1978 Payette R.Shoemaker, Duel, Koncinsky, Martinez
5 25-Oct Papoose Creek - 1978 Salmon Flock, R.Shoemaker, Duel, Koncinsky, Martinez


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 27-Jun Greyhound Mine - 1979 A Challis W.Keller, R.Shoemaker
2 5-Jul Deep Creek # 1 - 1979 A Payette Wright, R.Shoemaker
3 7-Jul Cabin Creek - 1979 A Payette Humphries, Wright, R.Shoemaker, Brundige
4 11-Jul Mahoney Creek - 1979 D Challis Yensen, French, S.Mello, Mattes, Wasser, Keating, Sleight, Diederich, Humphries, Wright, R.Shoemaker, Brundige
5 17-Jul Aparejo Point - 1979 C Salmon Wright, R.Shoemaker, Brundige, Fahey, Koncinsky, Mazzier, Palmer, Halligan
6 26-Jul Churchill Mountain - 1979 A NezPerce R.Shoemaker, Brundige
7 28-Jul Meadow Creek - 1979 A NezPerce R.Shoemaker, Brundige
8 31-Jul Cave Creek - 1979 C Payette Flock, Bell, Halligan, B.Johnson, Wasser, Beck, Noble, Felt, Bald(RDD), Verner, Murphy(RDD), Wright, Ryan(RDD), R.Shoemaker, Brundige
9 15-Aug Mortar Creek - 1979 G Challis Flock, B.Johnson, Wright, Ryan(RDD), R.Shoemaker, Brundige, Duel, Lovett, Mattes, Humphries, Covich(RDD), S.Mello
10 24-Aug Rabbit Point - 1979 A NezPerce Verner, Evans, W.Keller, Lloyd-Davies, Ryan(RDD), Johnson(RDD), R.Shoemaker, Halligan


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Jul Patrol Point - 1980 A Payette Wright, R.Shoemaker
2 28-Jul Monroe Creek - 1980 B Idaho BLM Hade, Wasser, S.Hudson, R.Shoemaker
3 15-Aug E. Fk Warm Sprs Cr - 1980 A Boise Stout, R.Shoemaker
4 29-Aug Steamboat Ridge - 1980 B Payette Duel, Wasser, Loomis, Evans, Noble, R.Shoemaker, M.Moore, Bell, Abromeit, Keating, Norfleet, Sleight


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 23-Jun #8550 - 1981 BLM Alaska Chena N.Davis, R.Shoemaker, Buescher, J.Hirams(AK), B.Madden(RAC), J.Olson(AK), M.Lampkin(RAC), R.Christian(RAC)
2 17-Jul Sheep Head - 1981 B State of Oregon Amell, Thrash, Cammon, Norfleet, Halligan, Troeger, R.Shoemaker, Felt, Gil, Warr, Wasser, C.Morgan
3 24-Jul Rock Creek - 1981 A Payette Halligan, R.Shoemaker
4 13-Aug Thunderbolt - 1981 B Boise Abromeit, Thrash, Troeger, R.Shoemaker, Gil, Wasser, Norfleet, Stout
5 19-Aug Bear Pete - 1981 A Payette Thrash, R.Shoemaker
6 22-Aug Wolf Creek - 1981 C Boise Warr, Manzer, S.Hudson, N.Davis, Folker, Thrash, Coe(AK), Lovette(AK), Hale(AK), Brundige(AK), Vanderlinden(AK), Chambers(AK), Pettit(AK), J.Smith(AK), Gridjalva(AK), Abromeit, McDonald(AK), Fox, R.Shoemaker, B.Mitman(AK), Gall, Buescher, Mavros, Beck, Neilson, Gil, Wasser, Stephens, Cromwell, August(AK), M.Moore, Mattes, Yensen, Acosta, Flock, D.Mellin(AK), Davis(AK), McGrane(AK)
7 24-Aug Squaw Creek - 1981 A Salmon R.Shoemaker, B.Mitman(AK), Gall, Buescher
8 26-Aug Kid Mountain - 1981 C Flathead MSO R.Shoemaker, M.Moore, Acosta, J.Smith(MSO)
9 19-Sep E. Fk Lake Fork Cr - 1981 B Payette Noble, Whitney, Acosta, Lloyd-Davies, Loomis, R.Shoemaker


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 21-Aug 20 Mile Lakes - 1982 A Payette Manzer, R.Shoemaker, Dwyer, Folker, Halligan, Yensen
2 10-Sep Brush - 1982 A Salmon Halligan, R.Shoemaker


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 6-Jul Lorenzo Creek - 1983 A Boise Whitney, R.Shoemaker, Thrash, Aaron
2 22-Jul S Fk West Fork Cr - 1983 A Boise Yosick, R.Shoemaker
3 2-Aug Papoose Creek - 1983 B Salmon Stout, Pierson, P.Withen, Cammon, Neilson, Bassette, R.Shoemaker, Hagen


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 13-Jul West Fork - 1984 B Boise R.Bates, Fieldhouse, Dougherty, C.Morgan, R.Shoemaker, Wasser, Stein, S.Hudson, S.Anderson, Fox, Stout, Koncinsky,Rush, Lloyd-Davies, Duzak, S.Mello, M.Morgen, Mavros
2 5-Aug Penny Creek - 1984 A Boise Mavros, Hagen, Hartgrave, R.Shoemaker
3 13-Aug Columbia Ridge - 1984 C NezPerce Hartgrave, Hunter, Tevebaugh, Rush, Buchanan,Cromwell, Fieldhouse, Dougherty, Amoss, Yensen, Shulman, R.Shoemaker, J.Lee, Koncinsky, Lueck, L.Wilson, C.Morgan, Mavros, Hagen, R.Hudson
4 24-Aug East Fork Papoose - 1984 A Clearwater MSO R.Shoemaker, Beck,Thrash, L.Reimers(MSO)
5 29-Aug West Fork - 1984 A Klamath Redding R.Shoemaker, G.Woodhead(RDD), M.Corbit(RAC)
6 17-Sep Lucky Creek - 1984 D Salmon S.McGee, R.Bates, Yosick, Duel, Humphries, Amell, Brondum, C.Morgan, Dougherty, Amoss, Buescher, Shulman, Dwyer, Ginn, S.Anderson, Dolphin, Noble, Wasser, Hall, Bryning, J.Lee, Schaan, R.Shoemaker, Pride,


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jun Red Ridge - 1985 C Sawtooth Hartgrave, Thrash, Wasser, Buchanan, Duel, Schaan, Koyama, Volpe, Gil, R.Shoemaker, Pride, Tevebaugh, M.Moore, Fox, M.Morgen, McCoy, R.Bates, Humphries, Rush, L.Wilson, Weinrich, S.Anderson, R.Hudson, Aaron
2 1-Jul Deep Creek - 1985 C Lewis-Clark Diederich, Amell, Wasser, S.Anderson, Pride, Loomis, Fieldhouse, Farrell, B.Johnson, Beck, R.Shoemaker, Shulman
3 5-Jul Sand Point - 1985 G Lewis & Clark WYS Wasser, S.Anderson, Pride, Loomis, Farrell, Amell, Beck, Fieldhouse, B.Johnson, R.Shoemaker, Shulman, Diederich, D.Hart(MSO), K.Windell(MSO), S.Chehock(MSO), J.Wilkinson(MSO), T.Lindskog(MSO), C.Flach(MSO), D.Kimbrough(MSO), J.Purlee(MSO), J.Ueland(MSO), Thompson(MSO)
4 12-Jul Little Bear Creek - 1985 A Payette R.Shoemaker, C.Morgan
5 17-Aug Brush Lake - 1985 A Payette R.Webb(AK), Amoss, R.Shoemaker, Lanterman
6 26-Aug Long Tom Complex - 1985 E Salmon Brundige, R.Shoemaker, McBride, Farrell, Shulman, Lueck, R.Webb(AK), Amoss, Amell, Gil, L.Wilson, J.Kelton(AK), Duzak, M.Morgen, Fox, Dolphin, Hunter, D.Gregory


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Jul Club Meadows - 1986 C Payette Loomis, R.Shoemaker, Cromwell, M.Cooper, J.Hanson, N.Keller, Meyers, R.Reid, Renshaw, Tyrrell
2 3-Aug Buckhorn Creek - 1986 A Payette Weinrich, B.Derham(BLM), R.Shoemaker, D.Pryce(BLM)
3 7-Aug Whiskey Jack - 1986 B Boise R.Shoemaker, McCoy, Hagen, S.Mello, Troeger, Cromwell
4 14-Aug Knox Creek - 1986 A Boise R.Shoemaker, A.Foley(RDD), S.Bierman(RDD), E.Weniger(MSO), R.Cox(MSO), G.Johnson(MSO), J.Donovan(MSO), J.Hedges(MSO)
5 23-Aug Deer Creek - 1986 A Boise M.Moore, Volpe, Yensen, R.Shoemaker
6 7-Sep Cub Creek - 1986 A Boise R.Shoemaker, M.Morgen, L.Wilson, Tevebaugh


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 1-Jul Partridge - 1987 A Payette Farrell, R.Bates, R.Shoemaker, M.Morgen
2 31-Jul Bear Creek - 1987 B Payette Brundige, McNabb, Tyrrell, Staats, Hagen, R.Shoemaker, Boardman, Hartzell, Pettigrew, R.Brown, Ogawa, Buchanan, Dramstad, R.Reid, Brondum, Dolphin, Troeger, Bryning, G.Dobbins, S.Anderson
3 9-Aug Fred's Mound - 1987 E Sawtooth Humphries, Bennett, Goleta, Fox, Dark, Brundige, L.Wilson, Pride, McNabb, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, M.Cooper, Thrash, Ogawa, Beck, S.Mello, Tyrrell, Ginn
4 24-Aug Kinney Point - 1987 A Payette R.Shoemaker, Duzak, L.Wilson, B.Werhane(MSO)
5 23-Sep Lower Rainbow Lake - 1987 B Payette R.Shoemaker, N.Baker(RDD), G.Massen(RDD), R.Haagenson(RDD), S.Dewitz(BLM), McNabb
6 4-Oct Wheel - 1987 B NezPerce Pride, Kennedy, Goleta, R.Shoemaker
7 17-Oct Vulcan Hot Springs - 1987 A Boise R.Shoemaker, M.Cooper


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jun #017 - 1988 A Ochoco Redmond Dramstad, Hagen, R.Shoemaker, J.Hawkins(RAC)
2 27-Jun West Fork Buckhorn - 1988 A Payette R.Bates, R.Shoemaker, R.Reid, L.Wilson
3 12-Aug Monumental Creek - 1988 B Payette R.Shoemaker, Fox, S.Mello, Tyrrell, Bennett, Stout
4 7-Oct Boundary - 1988 B NezPerce R.Shoemaker, Pride, Buescher, R.Hudson, Stright
5 9-Oct Deer Park - 1988 C Boise R.Shoemaker, Hartjes, Buescher, M.Lysne(BLM), P.Baker(BLM), J.Curd(BLM), M.Klinger(BLM)
6 28-Oct Elk Creek - 1988 B Umatilla Humphries, Staats, R.Shoemaker, McCoy, Buescher


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 19-Jun Yellow Jacket - 1989 A Boise R.Hudson, Carothers, Dougherty, Spencer, Meyers, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, Schow
2 19-Jul Cane Creek - 1989 A Payette R.Shoemaker, Fox, Beck, Thrash
3 25-Sep Duck Slop-Over - 1989 C Payette Humphries, Boardman, Bennett, Pettigrew, Brondum, R.Shoemaker, Murphy, Nieto, Tyrrell, Amell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 30-Jun Magner - 1990 B Gila Silver City Carothers, L.Wilson, Bryning, R.Shoemaker, Manuelito, Comanche, G.Dobbins,Hartgrave
2 5-Jul A-299 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - R.Shoemaker, Manuelito, Comanche, G.Dobbins
3 9-Jul A-310 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - Wheeler, G.Dobbins, Pierson, Pettigrew, R.Shoemaker, Comanche, Manuelito
4 23-Jul Crooked River - 1990 A Boise R.Shoemaker, Manuelito, K.Morrow, B.Davis, Palmer, Guenzler
5 30-Jul Spring Creek - 1990 B Boise Felt, G.Dobbins, McCoy, J.Hanson, R.Bates, R.Shoemaker
6 6-Aug #30 Pistol Creek - 1990 B Challis Scissons, S.Anderson, Washington, Palmer, R.Morrow, Romero, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, Sanders, Welch, Duffy, L.Wilson, D.Marshall, Hartjes
7 5-Sep Clark Gulch - 1990 A Boise R.Shoemaker, R.Morrow
8 25-Sep #330 - 1990 B Umatilla R.Shoemaker, Palmer, Pettigrew, M.Moore, M.Cooper, Hartjes, Seagraves, Duffy


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 26-Jul Shorts Creek - 1991 B Payette Ogawa, Seth, Seagraves, G.Dobbins, Wheeler, R.Shoemaker
2 9-Aug Pettibone #3 - 1991 Bitterroot MSO S.Mello, Seth, R.Shoemaker, G.Dobbins, N.Keller, Brondum, Romero
3 26-Aug Big - 1991 C NezPerce R.Shoemaker, N.Keller, Feliciano, M.Cooper, Duffy, McNabb, Meyers, Comanche, Pride, Carothers, B.Derham(NIFC), M.Morgen(NIFC)
4 3-Sep Stoddard - 1991 B Salmon R.Shoemaker, Scissons, Welch,Geving, Washington, Brondum, N.Keller, Feliciano, M.Cooper,Duffy
5 27-Sep Fawn Creek - 1991 D Payette Humphries, Romero, Spencer, M.Cooper, McNabb, Staats, R.Shoemaker, Meyers


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 1-Jun Boulder - 1992 B Payette McCoy, Feliciano, Carothers, Bryning, R.Shoemaker, Thrash, Staats, Nieto
2 21-Jun Short Creek - 1992 B Boise P.Withen, Pavlovic, R.Shoemaker, M.Cooper, R.Bates, Seagraves, Welch, Wheeler, Beck, Duffy, Meyers, Emerson
3 18-Aug Hot Springs - 1992 A NezPerce R.Shoemaker, Duffy, K.Richards, Rickard
4 20-Aug W Fork Crooked Cr - 1992 G NezPerce GAC R.Shoemaker, Duffy, K.Richards, plus 2 Gac,1 MSO


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 20-Aug Rocky Peak - 1993 A Boise R.Shoemaker, Meyers


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 21-Jun Rim Creek - 1994 B Payette R.Shoemaker, P.Withen, Koyama, Wheeler
2 6-Aug Blue Lake - 1994 A Payette R.Shoemaker, Charley, Pavlovic, Schaeffer
3 28-Aug Meadow Mountain - 1994 C Wallowa-Whitman R.Shoemaker, Palm, Staats, P.Withen, Spencer, Charley, J.Reid, Tyrrell
4 16-Sep Fountain - 1994 Salmon R.Shoemaker, Staats, P.Withen, Paieri, Spencer, Daigh, McCoy, Koontz, Rickard, Bryning
5 24-Sep Fox Point - 1994 E Wallowa-Whitman Nieto, Hartjes, Feliciano, Geving, Tyrrell, Seagraves, R.Shoemaker, Staats, Charley, Paieri, Spencer, McCoy, Daigh, Koontz, Rickard


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 23-Aug Powelson Creek - 1995 A Payette Meyers, Staats, Berney, R.Shoemaker


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Aug # 317 Two Color - 1996 B Wallowa-Whitman Scissons, Tyrrell, C.Fisher, Kerley, P.Withen, F.Russo, B.Shoemaker, S.Hobkins(RAC), M.Gibbons(RAC), R.Rucker(RAC), R.Rubio(RAC), B.Selby(RAC)