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Richard F (Rick) Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 18-Jun Salt - 1974 B Redding Shasta-Trinity M.Nielson, Ranstrom, J.Dixon, Flock, Diederich, Voelz, E.Kral(BOI), R.Hudson(BOI)


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 9-Jul Thimbleberry - 1980 A Umatilla B.Johnson, R.Hudson
2 1-Aug Spring Mountain - 1980 A Umatilla LaGrand Base R-6 M.Corbet(RAC), R.Hudson, K.Hale(RAC), J.Dobbins
3 5-Aug Rattlesnake - 1980 E NezPerce D.Gregory, Humphries, Beck, Diederich, R.Hudson, J.Dobbins, Stout, Keating, Pierson, Bell, Hade, Wasser, Koncinsky, Whitney, Warr, W.Keller, Acosta, N.Davis, Lloyd-Davies, M.Moore, Mavros, Koyama, Duel, B.Johnson
4 28-Aug Zumwalt Lake - 1980 A Boise R.Hudson, Hade
5 9-Sep No Fire to Find - 1980 Boise R.Hudson, Lovett


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 25-Jul Clay Springs - 1981 E Fishlake Yosick, Cromwell, Wright, Stephens, Brondum, Shulman, Koncinsky, Keating, R.Hudson, Fox, Whitney, Ogawa
2 31-Jul Stolle Meadow - 1981 C Boise C.Morgan, Bassette, Mavros,Evans, Cromwell, M.Moore, Humphries, Gil, Wasser, Felt, Stout, Yosick, Wright, Shulman, Koncinsky, Keating, R.Hudson, Fox
3 12-Aug Blue Rock Creek - 1981 B Challis Yosick, Cromwell, Wright, Shulman, R.Hudson, Felt
4 14-Aug Hidden Lake - 1981 A Boise Koncinsky, R.Hudson
5 16-Aug Blue Bunch - 1981 B Payette N.Davis, Stephens, M.Moore, Amell, R.Hudson, Cromwell, B.Johnson, Acosta
6 20-Aug Patrol Point - 1981 A Payette Diederich, R.Hudson
7 24-Aug Marshall Lake #2 - 1981 B Lolo MSO Brondum, Humphries, R.Hudson, T.Williamson(MSO)
8 28-Aug Little Creek - 1981 B Bitterroot MSO Noble, Felt, R.Hudson,Humphries, Brondum, R.Hulla(MSO), W.Congleton(RAC), plus 3
9 16-Sep Summit Lake - 1981 A BIA MSO R.Hudson, Gil, Koncinsky, B.Johnson, plus 4


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 6-Jul Valdez - 1982 C Santa FE Pierson, Gil, Keating, Troeger, P.Withen, R.Mello, Fox, Stout, Hatler, R.Hudson, Pihl, Bassette, W.Keller, Abromeit, Lloyd-Davies, Beck
2 12-Jul Deep - 1982 A Cibola R.Hudson, Hatler
3 10-Aug Boulder Creek - 1982 A Payette R.Hudson, Yensen
4 29-Aug Tea Fire - 1982 C Payette R.Hudson, Pihl, Keating, Shulman, Pierson, Troeger


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 29-Jun #8660 - 1983 400 acres BLM Alaska CHP R.Hudson, Holland, Ginn, Acosta, W.Craig(MSO), B.Brownlee(RAC), J.Purlee(MSO), K.Watson(MSO)
2 5-Jul #8723 - 1983 15 acres BLM Alaska CHP R.Hudson, Holland, Ginn, J.Grant(MSO), R.Christopher(MSO), E.Rubel(AK), T.Pettitt(MSO), A.Biller(AK)
3 8-Jul #8800 - 1983 BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, E.Pyne(AK), R.Christopher(MSO), D.Petteys(MSO), W.Joslin(MSO), G.Maasen(MSO), T.Hatch(AK), S.Dewitz(AK)
4 9-Jul #8853 - 1983 B BLM Alaska BTT R.Hudson, E.Pyne(AK), Christopher(RAC), D.Petteys(MSO), W.Joslin(MSO), P.Mason(MSO)
5 23-Jul Cave Creek - 1983 D Payette Belknap, Noble, Yensen, Acosta, P.Hansen, Mundt, Shulman, Beck, D.Gregory, R.Hudson, Wilken, Folker, Loomis, Phil, Brondum, F.Cole, Hunter, Ogawa, Ginn, Holland, Dougherty, Troeger, Humphries, Buchanan
6 22-Aug Five Mile Creek - 1983 B Payette Whitney, Thrash, Dolphin, Hagen, V.Harris, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 10-Jun A081 - 1984 C 80A BLM Alaska McGrath R.Hudson, Paulson, Troeger, Cromwell, S.Nemore(AK), Z.Reister(AK), C.Bien(AK), J.Raudenbush(AK), D.Romero(AK), R.Brown(AK), Ji.Olson(AK), CR.Holder(AK), P.Davis(AK), J.Gould(AK)
2 18-Jun A119 - 1984 B 1 A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, Paulson, B.Quillin(AK), C.Bien(AK)
3 24-Jun A223 - 1984 C 70A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, Volpe, P.Duddleston(MSO), D.Mellin(AK), R.Orr(AK), J.Grant(MSO)
4 26-Jun A293 - 1984 C 25A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, D.Hovdey(AK), P.Duddleston(MSO), S.Baumann(RAC)
5 1-Jul A339 - 1984 B 2A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, E.Pyne(AK), P.Duddleston(MSO), S.Bauman(RAC), J.Reinarz(RAC), C.Palmer(AK), J.Ueland(MSO), D.Hart(MSO)
6 2-Jul A359 - 1984 C 40A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, E.Pyne(AK), P.Duddleston(MSO), S.Bauman(RAC)
7 21-Jul Mid Creek - 1984 D Flathead MSO S.Anderson, R.Hudson, Fox, L.Nelsen(MSO), J.Smith(MSO), M.Gomez(MSO), T.Onken(MSO), A.Hayes(MSO), R.Young(MSO), P.Baker(MSO), E.Kurowski(MSO), C.Nece(MSO), C.Dunkel(MSO), O.Kendall(MSO), P.Duddleston(MSO), M.Pepion(MSO), T.Onken(MSO), P.Mason(MSO), F.Jones(MSO), S.Belknap(MSO), W.Cook(MSO), M.Crowley(MSO), I.Lanthier(MSO), J.Durglo(MSO), W.Vacera(MSO), R.Herker(MSO), C.French(MSO), D.Petteys(MSO), I.Vasquez(MSO), J.Donovan(MSO), G.Bassette(MSO)
8 5-Aug Bryan Creek - 1984 A Boise M.Morgen, R.Hudson
9 13-Aug Columbia Ridge - 1984 C NezPerce Hartgrave, Hunter, Tevebaugh, Rush, Buchanan,Cromwell, Fieldhouse, Dougherty, Amoss, Yensen, Shulman, R.Shoemaker, J.Lee, Koncinsky, Lueck, L.Wilson, C.Morgan, Mavros, Hagen, R.Hudson
10 24-Aug Cottonwood - 1984 A Payette Aaron, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jun Red Ridge - 1985 C Sawtooth Hartgrave, Thrash, Wasser, Buchanan, Duel, Schaan, Koyama, Volpe, Gil, R.Shoemaker, Pride, Tevebaugh, M.Moore, Fox, M.Morgen, McCoy, R.Bates, Humphries, Rush, L.Wilson, Weinrich, S.Anderson, R.Hudson, Aaron
2 30-Jun Lake Mountain - 1985 F Salmon Tevebaugh, Fox, S.Mello, Hagen, R.Hudson, Mavros, Duzak, Dolphin, Stright, Duel, Troeger, T.Cook
3 7-Jul #9 N.Fork - 1985 A Salmon R.Hudson, Stein
4 9-Jul Horse Haven - 1985 C Wallow-Whitman Dolphin, Troeger, Dean, R.Hudson, C.Morgan, R.Bates, Weinrich, Boardman
5 13-Jul Sheep Creek Bridge - 1985 B Boise R.Bates, J.Olson(AK), R.Hudson, S.Anderson, CR.Holder(AK), D.Mellin(AK), Fieldhouse, Pride, Farrell, J.Kelton(AK), M.Silva(AK), B.Johnson
6 19-Jul Tin Cup Hill - 1985 B Salmon Fox, Dolphin, R.Hudson, D.Hinkle(AK), Gil, Dwyer, Thrash, T.Pastro(AK)
7 3-Aug B174 - 1985 C 70 A BLM Alaska Galena Paulson, Tevebaugh, R.Hudson, T.Cook
8 7-Aug B085 - 1985 BLM Alaska CHP Stright, Koncinsky, Wasser, Humphries, M.Morgen, Paulson, Tevebaugh, R.Hudson
9 27-Aug Log Mountain - 1985 C Payette R.Hudson, Lanterman, Fieldhouse, T.Cook, M.Hardy(AK), McCoy, M.Moore, T.Pastro(AK), Weinrich, R.Bates, Buescher, G.Dobbins


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 19-Jun EMERENCY EXIT - 1986 BLM Alaska Bettles S.Anderson, Boardman, Duzak, R.Hudson, R.Ryan(BLM), J.Curd(BLM), B.Derham(BLM), Ji.Olson(BLM)
2 20-Jun A105 - 1986 B 2 A BLM Alaska FYU S.Anderson,Boardman, Duzak, R.Hudson, R.Ryan(BLM), Ji.Olson(BLM)
3 29-Jun A124 - 1986 C 20 A BLM Alaska CHPS Duzak, R.Hudson, M.Jackson(RAC), R.Rucker(RAC), B.Nelson(BLM), M.Lamkin(RAC), M.Lysne(RAC), T.Milligan(RAC)
4 2-Jul A167 - 1986 C 90 A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, J.Floyd(AK), J.Kelton(AK), B.Ferguson(BLM), R.Rucker(RAC), M.Lamkin(RAC), S.Theisen(BLM), M.Lysne(RAC)
5 4-Jul A199 - 1986 A .25 A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, B.Ferguson(BLM)
6 6-Jul A251 - 1986 C 75 A BLM Alaska Galena Boardman, R.Hudson, B.Ferguson(BLM), M.Fitzpatrick(BLM), D.Hinkle(BLM), D.Hart(MSO)
7 14-Jul A358 - 1986 B 5 A BLM Alaska Galena R.Hudson, Boardman, M.Silva(BLM), G.Steele(BLM), S.Dewitz(BLM), M.Klinger(BLM), T.Pettitt(BLM), J.Gardner(BLM)
8 3-Aug Rainbow Ridge - 1986 A Payette P.Withen, L.Wilson, Tevebaugh, R.Hudson
9 7-Aug Long Tom - 1986 F Boise P.Withen, R.Hudson, Hartgrave, M.Cooper, Farrell, R.Brown(BLM)
10 12-Aug Quartz Ridge - 1986 B Payette R.Hudson, R.Brown(BLM), Stright, J.Grant(MSO)


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 6-Jul Swift's Canyon - 1987 C Wasatch Duzak, Murphy, R.Hudson, Meyers, S.Mello, Ginn, Nieto, Duel, Koyama, Goleta, Kennedy, Dark, Fox, Koncinsky, L.Wilson, McNabb, Tyrrell, Staats
2 30-Jul Railroad Pass - 1987 B Boise Beck, Bennett, Theis, Pierson, McCoy, N.Keller, Stout, Duzak, R.Hudson, Murphy, Meyers, S.Mello, Ginn, Koncinsky, Nieto, Goleta
3 3-Aug Shrapnell - 1987 B Challis Pierson, Goleta, Kennedy, Fox, Dark, R.Hudson, L.Wilson, Koyama, Pride, Farrell, McNabb, Tyrrell, Cromwell, Epoch, Staats, Hagen, Boardman, Diederich, Hartzell, Pettigrew, R.Brown, Buchanan, J.Kitchen(BLM), Dramsted
4 26-Aug Blue Lake Creek - 1987 A Payette R.Hudson, B.Derham(BLM)
5 6-Sep Burt Fire - 1987 A NezPerce R.Hudson, Pettigrew
6 15-Sep Man Creek - 1987 E Payette J.Hoffman(BLM), R.Hudson, Bryning, T.May(BLM)
7 21-Sep Cup Creek - 1987 C Boise R.Hudson, Epoch, Stout, Nieto, Dolphin, Koncinsky, CR.Holder(BLM), Pride, Kennedy, Goleta
8 9-Oct Elk Meadows - 1987 B Payette S.Anderson, D.Gregory, Stout, Nieto, Dolphin, Pride, Amell, Kennedy, Goleta, R.Hudson, R.Bloms(BLM), Duzak
9 19-Oct Boulder Creek - 1987 E Bridger-Teton Felt, McNabb, Stright, Amell, L.Wilson, M.Cooper, R.Hudson, Koncinsky
10 25-Oct Lewis Creek - 1987 B Payette Stout, Nieto, Diederich, Dolphin, Pride, Kennedy, Pettigrew, McNabb,M.Moore, M.Cooper, S.Anderson, Koncinsky, Amell, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 14-Jun A080 - 1988 C 25 A BLM Alaska Tanana R.Hudson, Tyrrell, P.Withen, Pettigrew, B.Quillin(BLM), N.Baker(RDD)
2 16-Jun A119 - 1988 6000 Acres BLM Alaska Galena L.Wilson, R.Hudson, Tyrrell, M.Decoteau(BLM), M.Ierien(BLM), G.Dunning(BLM), P.McGrane(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM)
3 8-Jul Pocket Creek - 1988 D Bridger-Teton Krebs, Buchanan, Diederich, J.Hanson, Koyama, Kennedy, Schow, R.Hudson, G.Dobbins, Seagraves, Pettigrew, Tyrrell
4 26-Jul A043 - 1988 30000 Acres BLM Alaska CHP R.Hudson, R.Russell(BLM)
5 29-Jul A306 - 1988 B 5 A BLM Alaska Upper Yukon R.Hudson, K.Coe(BLM), D.Pryce(BLM), R.Romero(BLM), P.McGrane(BLM), C.Brown(BLM), V.Bross(BLM), D.Nachtsheim(BLM)
6 1-Aug A316 - 1988 B 1 A BLM Alaska TAL R.Hudson, D.Mueller(BLM), D.Nachtsheim(BLM), C.Brown(BLM)
7 4-Aug A258 - 1988 HUGE BLM Alaska Upper Yukon R.Hudson, S.Theisen(BLM), R.Romero(BLM), V.Bross(BLM), D.Mueller(BLM), M.Ierien(BLM), D.Arnold(RDD), J.Hawkins(NSCB)
8 11-Aug Wapiti - 1988 A Payette P.Withen, R.Hudson, M.Cooper, Nieto
9 16-Aug Challis #40 - 1988 B Challis R.Hudson, J.Curd(BLM), P.Baker(BLM), Spencer, Koyama, L.Wirachowsky(RDD), Hagen, Wright(MSO), Staats, S.Mello, T.Lynch(RAC), J.Kearns(RAC)
10 29-Aug Avalanche - 1988 B Clearwater R.Hudson, Pettigrew, Seagraves, O.Kendall(MSO), D.Polanski(MSO), B.Ford(MSO), S.Whitmire(RDD), K.Mally(RDD), M.Patton(MSO), W.RedFox(MSO)
11 5-Oct Morehead - 1988 B Challis Pride, Buescher, R.Hudson, Stright, P.Baker(BLM), M.Lysne(BLM)
12 7-Oct Boundary - 1988 B NezPerce R.Shoemaker, Pride, Buescher, R.Hudson, Stright
13 11-Oct N. Fk Meadow Creek - 1988 B Boise R.Hudson, B.Bickers(RAC), M.Jackson(RAC), M.Corbet(RAC), P.Armour(RAC), M.Christensen(RAC), Hawkins, E.Berg(RAC)
14 28-Oct Bear Creek - 1988 B Umatilla Brundige, Pettigrew, R.Hudson, Saleen, Stright, Nieto


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 19-Jun Yellow Jacket - 1989 A Boise R.Hudson, Carothers, Dougherty, Spencer, Meyers, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, Schow
2 20-Jul Deadwood Summit - 1989 B Boise R.Hudson, Schow, N.Keller, Carothers, Epoch, Pavlovic, Dougherty, Lester
3 29-Jul Horse Heaven - 1989 A Payette R.Hudson, Geving
4 12-Aug Ross Creek #1 - 1989 A Boise R.Hudson, M.Cooper, K.Coe(BLM)
5 22-Sep Cave Creek - 1989 C Payette R.Hudson, R.Bates, Bryning, M.Cooper, Buescher, Seagraves, McCoy, McNabb, Pierson, Sanders, Dramstad, B.Davis
6 27-Sep West Side - 1989 A Boise R.Hudson, Boardman


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 10-Jul A-168 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - R.Hudson, McNabb, Madrid, Epoch
2 23-Jul #170 - 1990 A Okanogan NCSB R.Hudson, S.Mello
3 2-Aug Sulphur Creek - 1990 B Boise Cromwell, Welch, Duffy, D.Marshall, Hartjes, Ogawa, S.Mello, Hartgrave, Spencer, Carothers, R.Hudson, Feliciano
4 8-Aug Johnson Creek - 1990 B Salmon R.Hudson, Fox, Thrash, K.Morrow, Seagraves, Freshwater, Brondum, Murphy
5 15-Aug Romaine - 1990 A Payette R.Hudson, Sanders, Murphy, D.Marshall, Krebs, Madrid
6 5-Sep #78 - 1990 A Challis R.Hudson, Fox, M.Cooper, Palmer
7 15-Sep Table Fire - 1990 C Targhee Seth, McNabb, Felt, Geving, Pavlovic, Brondum, Pride, Romero, Staats, R.Bates, R.Hudson, Madrid
8 25-Sep #339 - 1990 A Umatilla Fox, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 13-Jul Phantom - 1991 B Payette Seagraves, Bryning, G.Dobbins, R.Hudson, D.Marshall, B.Bickers(RAC), R.Estes(RAC), S.Cross(RAC)
2 24-Jul T-Gulch - 1991 A Salmon R.Hudson, S.Doehring(MSO)
3 4-Aug Hard - 1991 A Payette R.Hudson, Welch
4 9-Aug Prospector - 1991 A NezPerce GAC Madrid, R.Hudson
5 21-Aug #519 - 1991 A Ochoco RAC N.Keller, Brondum, R.Hudson, Nieto, Manuelito
6 25-Aug Diamond - 1991 A Bitterroot MSO Brondum, R.Hudson
7 17-Sep Mahagoney - 1991 A Wallowa-Whitman R.Hudson, Nieto
8 5-Oct Phantom - 1991 A Boise R.Hudson, Brondum, Seth, Fox, Madrid, Bittenbender
9 20-Oct North Piney - 1991 A Bridger-Teton R.Hudson, Bittenbender


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 18-May Little Soldier - 1992 D Challis R.Hudson, Bryning, Stright, Thrash, M.Moore, Nieto , S.Anderson, Staats
2 27-Jun French Creek - 1992 B Payette Humphries, J.Hanson, Dwyer, Schaeffer, R.Hudson, P.Withen, Pavlovic, Shippelhoute
3 19-Jul Duke Snider - 1992 C Payette Thrash, Seth, J.Hanson, Shippelhoute, Dwyer, Seagraves, Schaeffer, R.Hudson, J.Reid, Nieto, Rickard, Washington
4 1-Aug Porcupine - 1992 C Salmon J.Hanson, Scissons, Fox, Schow, Krebs, Tucker, S.Mello, Koontz, P.Withen, Yeager, R.Hudson, Geving, Hinkle, B.Davis, M.Cooper, Paieri, Wheeler, Duffy, K.Richards, Madrid
5 17-Aug Four Mile - 1992 A Payette R.Hudson, Carothers, Yeager, Wheeler
6 25-Aug Warm Springs (20-Man Load) - 1992 G Payette R.Hudson, Manuelito, Seagraves, Madrid, Schaeffer, Carothers, Yeager, Wheeler, Romero, K.Hill, B.Harris(RDD), C.Cummings(RDD), S.Kobota(RDD), R.Jensen(NIFC), M.Motes(NIFC), J.Drazinski (BIFC), M.Stevens(FAI), B.Johnson(BIFC), S.Cross(NIFC), G.Herkshan(BIFC)
7 17-Sep Color Fire - 1992 C Salmon McCoy, Feliciano, Brondum, Yeager, Pride, Romero, K.Hill, K.Richards, R.Hudson, Meyers, Spencer, Geving, Buescher, Koontz, Seagraves, J.Reid


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 4-Aug Edmundson #2 - 1993 A Payette Romero, R.Hudson
2 3-Oct Saddle - 1993 A Payette R.Hudson, McPhetridge


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 21-Jun Boulder Creek - 1994 A Payette R.Hudson, J.Hanson
2 1-Jul Lake Fork Fire - 1994 C Wallowa-Whitman R.Hudson, Tyrrell, Scissons, Shippelhoute, Daigh, K.Richards, Buescher, Guenzler, J.Reid, K.Morrow, Seielstad, McPhetridge
3 9-Jul Blue Fire - 1994 D Challis R.Hudson, S.Mello, Daigh, LaBella, Tyrrell, Buescher, Pavlovic, Schaeffer, Feliciano, M.Cooper, Crawford, Hartjes
4 25-Jul Willow - 1994 A Payette R.Hudson, Tyrrell
5 29-Jul Bench - 1994 B Challis R.Hudson, Shippelhoute, Paieri, Koontz, L.Wilson, Maxwell, J.Hubbard(NIFC), M.Tupper(FBX)
6 1-Aug # 53 (Six Lake Basin) - 1994 C Wallowa-Whitman Feliciano, M.Cooper, R.Hudson, Crawford, Hartjes, Madrid, L.Wilson, Palm, J.Hubbard(NIFC), M.Tupper(FBX), P.Bannister(FBX)
7 7-Aug Quartz Creek # 2 - 1994 A Payette R.Hudson, Meyers, Yeager, Wheeler
8 11-Aug Pioneer - 1994 D Challis R.Hudson, Meyers,Yeager, Wheeler, Seielstad, Staats, P.Withen, L.Scott(RDD)
9 19-Sep Saloon - 1994 B Shasta-Trinity Redding Koncinsky, Meyers, Scissons, Palm, M.Cooper, Crawford, Wheeler, Seielstad, R.Hudson, Pavlovic, Schaeffer, Yeager
10 24-Sep Chief - 1994 A Tahoe Redding Wheeler, Seielstad, R.Hudson
11 28-Sep Tyler - 1994 B Klamath Redding Palm, M.Cooper, Crawford, Wheeler, Seielstad, R.Hudson
12 30-Sep Tang - 1994 B Six Rivers Redding Seielstad, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 30-Jul Mill Creek - 1995 B Sawtooth M.Stebbins(NCSB), J.Button(NCSB), M.Woosleky(NCSB), R.Little(NCSB), J.Gold(NCSB), R.Hudson, T.Lum(NSCB), R.Dehart(NCSB)
2 16-Sep Logan Lake - 1995 A Payette Koontz, Feliciano, Meyers, Schaeffer, R.Hudson, Wheeler, Seagraves, Palm


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 10-Jul Wild Bill - 1996 B BLM Utah Panguitch, UT Bierman, Koyama, Ogawa, S.Kubota(RDD), S.Roach(RDD), Koontz, R.Morrow, R.Hudson
2 23-Jul Oak Grove - 1996 B Dixie Panguitch, UT Meyers, Wheeler, Koontz, R.Hudson, Pavlovic, Madrid, Bryning, M.Cooper
3 28-Jul Scenic - 1996 B Fishlake Panguitch Ogawa, Fox, R.Hudson, Yeager, Koyama, Bierman, Dwyer
4 6-Aug Cayuse - 1996 C Salmon-Challis Niccoli, Rickard, Labella, Feliciano, Maxwell, R.Hudson, M.Cooper, Shippelhoute, Meyers, Palm, Cromwell, D.Ogden(RDD), D.Lightner(RDD), D.McCarthy(RDD), T.Quigle(RDD), S.Salisberry(RDD)
5 15-Aug Hell Fire - 1996 C Payette M.Cooper, R.Hudson, Maxwell, Rickard, Ogawa, Bowers, Charley, S.Orr(RDD), Palm, Yeager
6 31-Aug Rainier - 1996 B Salmon-Challis Seagraves, Sanders, D.Lightner(RDD), R.Hudson, Meyers, G.Woodhead(RDD), Hartjes, D.Ogden(RDD)
7 23-Sep Lick Creek - 1996 A Payette R.Hudson, Berney
8 8-Oct Wilson Creek - 1996 B Sawtooth Madrid, Rickard, Schaeffer, Pavlovic, McPhetridge, Brundige, R.Hudson, Meyers, Seagraves, S.Anderson, Geving, Sanders


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Aug B-625 - 1997 D BLM Alaska Brundige, McPhetridge, R.Hudson
2 23-Aug Quartz - 1997 C Payette R.Hudson, Romero, Schaeffer, Charley, Meyers, Pride, Fox, McPhetridge, Beck, Daigh, Bowers, F.Russo


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Jul Chuckie's Fire - 1998 A Payette Feliciano, R.Hudson
2 28-Jul Rock Pile Fire # 122 - 1998 G Willamette Redmond LeMay, Feliciano, Deveraux, S.Allen, K.Richards, S.Mello, R.Hudson, Bowers
3 4-Aug # 851 - 1998 A Deschutes Redmond Deveraux, Feliciano, R.Hudson, S.Mello
4 10-Aug Big Mallard Rapids - 1998 B Payette Kilner, Charley, R.Hudson, Denowh, Berney, Crawford, C.Martin, Sanders, J.Kerley(NIFC), D.Mueller(NIFC)
5 21-Aug Maxwell - 1998 A Payette Deveraux, Drake, R.Hudson, S.Allen


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 1-Aug Westside Bachelor - 1999 A Deschutes Redmond Karin.Kaaen, R.Hudson
2 6-Aug # 224 - 1999 C Wallowa-Whitman Dwyer, Feliciano, Brundige, R.Hudson, Charley, Karin.Kaaen
3 18-Aug Napoleon Ridge - 1999 B Salmon-Challis K.Richards, Charley, D.Nelson, R.Hudson, C.Gustafson, Brent.Sawyer, C.Martin, McDonnell
4 24-Aug Gus - 1999 A Boise R.Hudson, C.Gustafson
5 9-Sep Hudson # 2 - 1999 A Los Padres Redding R.Hudson, Shultz


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 9-Jul Pactolian - 2000 A Wallowa-Whitman R.Hudson, S.Mello
2 16-Jul Devine Canyon - 2000 C BLM Idaho Upper Snake River Dist. Karin.Kaaen, R.Hudson, Franzen, Parker, Luderer, McPhetridge, C.Gustafson, S.Anderson, Dunton, Brinkley
3 29-Jul Reynolds - 2000 C Salmon-Challis R.Hudson, Rogan, S.Mello, Karin.Kaaen, Parker, K.Richards, Koontz, Kilner
4 3-Aug Telephone - 2000 D Sawtooth Parker, Pride, Charley, Karin.Kaaen, Kilner, R.Hudson, Berney, Brad.Sawyer, D.Nelson, Denowh, J.Miller, Dailey
5 7-Aug Johnson - 2000 B Sawtooth C.Gustafson, S.Mello, Kilner, Franzen, R.Hudson, Rogan, Luderer, Berney, Feliciano, LeMay, K.Richards, Brad.Sawyer
6 13-Aug Covey - 2000 A NezPerce D.Nelson, R.Hudson, Denowh, J.Miller


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 10-Jun North Notch - 2001 B Manti-Lasal 4S-20E-32 M.Cooper, R.Hudson
2 1-Aug Mosquito Fire - 2001 D Targee A.Bird, Drake, Dunton, Feliciano, R.Hudson, M.Summerfield, Palm, R.Morrow, Mascheroni, Sayer, LeMay, Brent.Sawyer
3 10-Aug Jordan Meadows - 2001 E Winnemucca Dist Battle Mountain M.Cooper, Franzen, Ganz, D.Nelson, R.Hudson, Ohme, Williamson
4 26-Aug Roosevelt Meadows - 2001 C Bridger-Teton 36N-115W-30 M.Cooper, R.Hudson, Kilner, C.Martin, Mascheroni, F.Russo
5 3-Oct Summit Gulch - 2001 B Payette 21N-3W-27 F.Behm, M.Cooper, Crawford, Feliciano, R.Hudson, Ohme, K.Richards, C.Behm


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 21-Jun Chavez - 2002 C Albuquerque Cibola R.Hudson
2 25-Jun Diablo Replacements - 2002 C Albuquerque New Mexico State D.Gustafson, R.Hudson, Schricker
3 13-Jul Eldrige - 2002 B Payette 21N-9E-27 Bierman, R.Garber, Hoban, R.Hudson
4 21-Jul Roaring Fire - 2002 D Salmon-Challis 22N-16E-18 Caple, Drake, Dwyer, Franzen, Ganz, R.Garber, Hoban, R.Hudson, F.Behm, Bierman, Ohme, Mascheroni, K.Richards, Sayer, L.Wilson, P.Withen
5 2-Aug Zena Creek - 2002 C Payette 20N-6E-2 Caple, Daigh, Doane, Ganz, R.Hudson, D.Nelson, Ohme, M.Summerfield
6 19-Aug Eagle Springs - 2002 D Sawtooth Ogden Caple, Ganz, R.Garber, Huber, R.Hudson, Myers, Mascheroni, M.Summerfield
7 2-Oct Mosquito Rescue - 2002 Payette 23N-9E-33 Brinkley, Brundige, Doane, Geving, R.Hudson, Pavlovic, Pride, Brent.Sawyer


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jul Fable - 2003 G UT-MOD Moab Distrit C.Behm, Berg, Charley, Dwyer, Hoban, R.Hudson, LaBella, D.Nelson, Ohme, Raley, K.Richards
2 28-Jul Andy - 2003 F ID-PAF Payette Duzak, Dwyer, Hoban, R.Hudson, Karin.Kaaen, C.Martin, Potter, Raley, + 8 GAC Jumpers
3 10-Aug Pacific Creek - 2003 B WY-BTF Bridger-Teton C.Behm, F.Behm, Brondum, Denowh, Hoban, Huber, R.Hudson, Messenger, D.Nelson, Potter
4 28-Oct Cliff Spring - 2003 D MT-CNF Custer NF Brinkley, M.Cooper, D.Gustafson, R.Hudson, C.Martin, J.Miller, Ohme, Watson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 16-Jun Box - 2004 B UT-DIF Dixie Lynn, R.Hudson, G.Donaldson(BOI), K.Borcherding(BOI)
2 1-Aug OR-DEF-646 - 2004 B OR-DEF Deschutes A.Bird, Berg, J.Miller, Potter, Pride, R.Hudson, Skudlarek, Watson
3 5-Aug OR-UMF-235 - 2004 A OR-UMF Umatilla R.Hudson, A.Bird, Berg, Potter, Watson
4 13-Aug OR-DEF-852 - 2004 A OR-DEF Deschutes R.Hudson
5 16-Aug OR-OCF-982 - 2004 B OR-OCF Ochoco R.Hudson
6 19-Aug Frosty - 2004 A WA-OWF Okanogan-Wenatchee R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 7-Aug OR-MAF-127 - 2005 B OR-MAF Malheur Krupski, Potter, R.Hudson, B.Fairchild(RAC), A.Skillings(RAC), M.Jackson(RAC), D.Loughton(RAC), J.Wood(RAC), N.Floyd(NCSB)
2 11-Aug COF-117 - 2005 A WA-COF Coville R.Hudson, M.Mendonca(RAC), W.Hockman(RAC), B.Fairchild(RAC)
3 3-Sep Lodgepole Creek - 2005 C ID-SIS Southern Idaho Carroll, Huber, Palm, R.Hudson, R.Morrow, K.Richards, Skudlarek, M.Summerfield
4 24-Oct Lynes - 2005 A ID-PAF Payette D.Nelson, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 3-Jul Monday Gulch - 2006 C ID-SWS Southwest AO C.Behm, C.Martin, Eastep, Glover, Karin.Kaaen, Kilner, R.Hudson, M.Summerfield
2 21-Aug Quartz Creek - 2006 B ID-CWF Clearwater Cowie, Duzak, Isaacson, Karin.Kaaen, Kilner, Lynn, Potter, R.Hudson, T.Wallace(MSO), E.Held, C.Chambers(NCSB), R.Taie(NCSB), B.Schuette(RDD), B.Moschetti(RDD)
3 8-Sep Horse - 2006 A ID-NPF Nez Perce B.Austin, Myers, Hernandez, R.Hudson, Carroll, Isaacson, Lynn, R.Garber


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 16-Jul Sater - 2007 B ID-PAF Payette Belton, Brinkley, Caple, Childs, Hadlow, M.Cooper, Palm, R.Hudson
2 10-Aug Rat Creek - 2007 F MT-BDF Beaver Head-Deerlodge Glover, R.Hudson
3 9-Sep Tag - 2007 G ID-PAF Payette Caple, Dan.Booth, Friedrichs, H.Summerfield, J.Miller, M.Cooper, D.Nelson, Palm, Pavlovic, R.Hudson