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John L Humphries


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 5-Jul Baldy Mountain - 1979 A Payette Humphries, Abromeit
2 7-Jul Cabin Creek - 1979 A Payette Humphries, Wright, R.Shoemaker, Brundige
3 11-Jul Mahoney Creek - 1979 D Challis Yensen, French, S.Mello, Mattes, Wasser, Keating, Sleight, Diederich, Humphries, Wright, R.Shoemaker, Brundige
4 15-Jul Boundary Creek - 1979 C Challis Hade, B.Johnson, Noble, Watkins, M.Moore, Lovett, Acosta, Martinez, Yensen, Felt, French, Humphries
5 22-Jul Ship Island - 1979 G Salmon French, Humphries, Yensen, Wasser, Stevens, Beck, Bell, Noble, Lovett, Acosta, Martinez, Felt
6 28-Jul Root Ranch - 1979 A Payette Humphries, Stevens
7 4-Aug Garden Creek Aircraft Crash - 1979 A Challis Lovett, Mattes, Sand(RDD), French, Mitchell(RDD), Duel, Humphries, Covich(RDD), S.Mello,Fahey
8 15-Aug Mortar Creek - 1979 G Challis Flock, B.Johnson, Wright, Ryan(RDD), R.Shoemaker, Brundige, Duel, Lovett, Mattes, Humphries, Covich(RDD), S.Mello


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 1-Aug Backbone Ridge - 1980 A Wallowa-Whitman LaGrande Base K.Gilbert(RAC), Humphries
2 5-Aug Rattlesnake - 1980 E NezPerce D.Gregory, Humphries, Beck, Diederich, R.Hudson, J.Dobbins, Stout, Keating, Pierson, Bell, Hade, Wasser, Koncinsky, Whitney, Warr, W.Keller, Acosta, N.Davis, Lloyd-Davies, M.Moore, Mavros, Koyama, Duel, B.Johnson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 14-Jun #8567 - 1981 A BLM Alaska Chena Humphries, J.Anderson(AK)
2 16-Jun #8586 - 1981 C BLM Alaska Chena S.Hudson, Lothrop, Humphries, M.Clarkson(AK), M.Fitspatrick(AK), P.Sulinski(AK), J.Anderson, K.Hale(AK)
3 17-Jun #7638 - 1981 B BLM Alaska MCG Lothrop, Humphries, M.Fitspatrick(AK), P.Sulinski(AK), J.Anderson(AK), K.Hale(AK)
4 21-Jun #7668 - 1981 D BLM Alaska MCG Lothrop, Humphries, P.Sulinski(AK), M.Fitspatrick(AK)
5 28-Jun #7681 - 1981 F BLM Alaska MCG Humphries, S.Nemore(AK), K.Harper(AK), S.Clairmont(MSO), K.Hale(AK), S.Cox(MSO), O.Kendall(MSO), J.Stauff(AK)
6 24-Jul Bruin Creek - 1981 A Payette N.Davis, S.Hudson, Hade, Humphries
7 31-Jul Stolle Meadow - 1981 C Boise C.Morgan, Bassette, Mavros,Evans, Cromwell, M.Moore, Humphries, Gil, Wasser, Felt, Stout, Yosick, Wright, Shulman, Koncinsky, Keating, R.Hudson, Fox
8 9-Aug Conyer Creek - 1981 A Payette Evans, Humphries
9 14-Aug Potamus Point #112 - 1981 Umatilla LGD Ogawa, Evans, Humphries, H.Cooper(RAC)
10 19-Aug Little Canyon Mtn #087 - 1981 A State of Oregon LGD Humphries, E.Wheeler(RAC)
11 20-Aug #201 - 1981 B Malhuer LGD Koncinsky, Brondum, Koyama, Ogawa, Evans, Humphries
12 24-Aug Marshall Lake #2 - 1981 B Lolo MSO Brondum, Humphries, R.Hudson, T.Williamson(MSO)
13 28-Aug Little Creek - 1981 B Bitterroot MSO Noble, Felt, R.Hudson,Humphries, Brondum, R.Hulla(MSO), W.Congleton(RAC), plus 3
14 15-Sep Pilgrim Mountain - 1981 Bridger-Teton MSO Shulman, Hade, Bassette, Wasser, Diederich, Humphries, plus 4


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jul Turkey - 1982 B Cibola Beck, Humphries, P.Withen, R.Mello
2 10-Aug Black Point - 1982 D Payette C.Morgan, Cromwell, B.Johnson, Amell, Wasser, Lothrop, Whitney, Mavros, Yosick, Halligan, Koncinsky, R.Stauff, R.Mello, Fox, Felt, Pihl, Gil, Gall, Warr,Humphries, Paulsen, Stephens, Wilken, Keating, Pierson, S.Mello, Sullivan, Schaan, Neilson, Loomis, Stein, Acosta, P.Hansen, Shulman, Buescher


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 27-Jun #8641 - 1983 100 acres BLM Alaska CHP Brondum, Volpe, Stout, Holland, Ginn, Humphries, T.Hilliard(AK), C.Palmer(AK)
2 2-Jul #8691 - 1983 B BLM Alaska TAL Humphries, Hunter, G.Johnson(RDD), M.Lamkin(RAC), Dwyer, J.Beekman(RAC), Bauman(RAC), Stewart(RAC)
3 6-Jul #8723 - 1983 50 acres BLM Alaska CHP Humphries, Hunter, Dwyer, E.Pyne(AK), R.Webb(AK), M.Clarkson(AK), M.Lamkin(RAC), J.Beekman(RAC)
4 8-Jul #8799 - 1983 BLM Alaska Galena Ginn, Holland, Humphries, Brondum, Volpe,R.Webb(AK), M.Lamkin(RAC), K.Franz(RAC)
5 10-Jul #8866 - 1983 10 acres BLM Alaska Galena Holland, Ginn, Humphries, K.Franz(AK), M.Lamkin(RAC), R.Webb(AK)
6 23-Jul Cave Creek - 1983 D Payette Belknap, Noble, Yensen, Acosta, P.Hansen, Mundt, Shulman, Beck, D.Gregory, R.Hudson, Wilken, Folker, Loomis, Phil, Brondum, F.Cole, Hunter, Ogawa, Ginn, Holland, Dougherty, Troeger, Humphries, Buchanan


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 26-Jul Pearl Creek - 1984 A Payette Pride, Humphries
2 5-Aug Lightning Creek - 1984 C Boise Beck, Abromeit, Thrash, S.Hudson, D.Gregory, Gil, Dwyer, Humphries, Gall, Stright, Schaan, T.Cook, Yosick, Buescher
3 13-Aug Smith River - 1984 D Helena R.Lay(MSO), T.Onken(MSO), F.Wolff(MSO), W.Thomas(MSO), L.Reimers(MSO), J.Cyr(MSO), Pride, Paulson, M.Morgen, G.Dobbins, Loomis, Humphries, McCoy, T.Sherwood(MSO), Volpe, J.Linville(MSO), R.Cox(MSO), S.Carstens(MSO), W.Williams(MSO), R.Nevarez(MSO)
4 17-Sep Lucky Creek - 1984 D Salmon S.McGee, R.Bates, Yosick, Duel, Humphries, Amell, Brondum, C.Morgan, Dougherty, Amoss, Buescher, Shulman, Dwyer, Ginn, S.Anderson, Dolphin, Noble, Wasser, Hall, Bryning, J.Lee, Schaan, R.Shoemaker, Pride,


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jun Red Ridge - 1985 C Sawtooth Hartgrave, Thrash, Wasser, Buchanan, Duel, Schaan, Koyama, Volpe, Gil, R.Shoemaker, Pride, Tevebaugh, M.Moore, Fox, M.Morgen, McCoy, R.Bates, Humphries, Rush, L.Wilson, Weinrich, S.Anderson, R.Hudson, Aaron
2 30-Jun East Basin - 1985 F Challis C.Morgan, Cromwell, Stein, Hartgrave, M.Morgen, McCoy, M.Moore, L.Wilson, Hunter, Koyama, Volpe, Humphries
3 9-Jul Savage Creek - 1985 G Payette Felt, Stright, Dougherty, Humphries, Tevebaugh, Fox, D.Hovdey(AK), D.Hade(AK)
4 12-Jul Larkspur Gulch - 1985 A Payette Humphries, G.Martin(AK)
5 17-Jul French Creek - 1985 G Payette R.Bates, J.Olson(AK), J.Kelton(AK), Duel, M.Silva(AK), Acosta, B.Johnson, Stright, Dougherty, G.Martin(AK), S.Duncan(RAC), Stein, K.Reishus(AK), Hunter, Hartgrave, G.Stevens(AK), Humphries, J.Bass(AK)
6 3-Aug B171 - 1985 BLM Alaska Galena Yosick, Humphries, M.Morgen, CR.Holder(AK)
7 7-Aug B085 - 1985 BLM Alaska CHP Stright, Koncinsky, Wasser, Humphries, M.Morgen, Paulson, Tevebaugh, R.Hudson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Jul Cherry Creek - 1986 C NezPerce Dean, Fox, Humphries, Yensen, Theis, P.Withen, Cammon, Beck, Brondum, Buchanan, Gall
2 2-Aug #85 - 1986 B Malhuer Amell, Humphries, Fox, Stright
3 10-Aug Coulter Summit - 1986 C Boise Dolphin, S.Archuleta(MSO), R.Little(BLM), M.Morgen, B.Fourneir(MSO), G.Steele(BLM), L.Wilson, Tevebaugh, Humphries, Weinrich, B.Derham(BLM), D.Pryce(BLM)
4 19-Aug Caton Creek - 1986 B Payette Tevebaugh, Theis, R.Reid, Acosta, Humphries, Hartgrave, J.Stauff, N.Keller
5 5-Sep Crooked Creek - 1986 B NezPerce Acosta, J.Stauff, Humphries, S.Anderson, Bryning, Pride, M.Moore, Wasser, Stright, M.Cooper, Renshaw, Amell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Jul B142 - 1987 B BLM Alaska Bennett, Humphries
2 13-Jul North Fork Elk Creek - 1987 C Boise Humphries, Staats, Hagen, Boardman, Hartzell, Buescher, Pettigrew, R.Brown, Buchanan, Dramstad, R.Reid, Brondum, M.Moore, Dolphin, Troeger, Bryning, G.Dobbins, S.Anderson
3 1-Aug Middle Fork Elk Cr. - 1987 A Payette Humphries, Koyama
4 9-Aug Fred's Mound - 1987 E Sawtooth Humphries, Bennett, Goleta, Fox, Dark, Brundige, L.Wilson, Pride, McNabb, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, M.Cooper, Thrash, Ogawa, Beck, S.Mello, Tyrrell, Ginn
5 22-Aug East Fork Elk Creek - 1987 B Boise Epoch, Boardman, M.Moore, Hartzell, Pettigrew, Buchanan, Dramstad, Humphries, Bryning, G.Dobbins
6 30-Aug Baldy - 1987 C Klamath Redding Koyama, G.Dobbins, M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, R.Fort(BLM), J.Kitchen(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM)
7 5-Sep Snag - 1987 E Lassen N.P. Redding M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, D.Arnold(RDD), R.Fort(BLM), A.Throne(RDD), R.Bloms(BLM)
8 14-Sep Chance - 1987 F Shasta-Trinity Redding M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, J.Dodd(RDD), D.Arnold(RDD), R.Fort(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM), S.Norrod(BLM)
9 28-Sep Brushy - 1987 B Shasta-Trinity Redding J.Decker(RDD), Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, R.Bloms(BLM), S.Norrod(BLM), Duzak, L.Wilson
10 15-Oct Nine Mile - 1987 B Boise Humphries, Dramstad, McNabb, McCoy, Diederich, CR.Holder(BLM), S.Anderson, Stout, D.Gregory, Nieto, Dolphin, Pride, Kennedy, Goleta, Farrell, Pettigrew, Stright, L.Wilson, Tyrrell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Jul Crow Foot - 1988 B NezPerce Humphries, Rush, P.Davidson, S.Anderson, Cammon, Epoch
2 20-Jul Elk Creek - 1988 B Payette Murphy, Humphries, Duzak, Spencer, Lindell, Saleen, Hawkins, J.Hanson, Kennedy, G.Dobbins, L.Wilson, Hartjes
3 25-Jul Hunter - 1988 A Shasta-Trinity Redding Burin, Humphries, Fox, Dougherty, S.Brockman(RDD), C.Nebeker(RDD)
4 6-Aug Browns Ranch - 1988 A Payette Humphries, Duzak
5 16-Aug Beaver - 1988 A Payette Humphries, M.Morgen(BLM)
6 29-Aug Avalanche - 1988 B Clearwater Humphries, McCoy, J.Kearns(RAC), J.Curd(BLM), Dark, Dramstad, G.Dobbins, Spencer, Saleen, Staats, Meyers, Murphy
7 28-Oct Elk Creek - 1988 B Umatilla Humphries, Staats, R.Shoemaker, McCoy, Buescher


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Jul Dry Creek - 1989 C Wallowa-Whitman Humphries, Fox, Beck, Thrash, Krebs, Emerson, N.Keller, Carothers
2 20-Jul Hazard - 1989 B Payette Humphries, S.Mello, Murphy, Koyama, Krebs, Bennett
3 27-Jul Golden Hand - 1989 B Payette Humphries, T.Loughton(RAC), R.Bente(RDD), J.Tackman(RAC)
4 10-Aug Routson Peak - 1989 D Payette L.Wilson, Hartjes, Schow, Romero, R.Reid, C.Nebeker(BLM), Madrid, Bryning, Bierman, Humphries, Epoch, Geving, McCoy, Duffy, Stevens, Scissons
5 25-Sep Duck Slop-Over - 1989 C Payette Humphries, Boardman, Bennett, Pettigrew, Brondum, R.Shoemaker, Murphy, Nieto, Tyrrell, Amell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 4-Jul A-284 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - Humphries, P.Withen
2 17-Jul A-412 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - Humphries, P.Withen, M.Cooper
3 18-Jul A-414 - 1990 BLM Alaska Zone - Amell, Humphries, P.Withen, M.Cooper
4 9-Aug Elkhorn - 1990 D Menicino RDD Humphries, Koyama, Manuelito, Pavlovic, Stone(BLM)
5 19-Aug Deer - 1990 B Menicino RDD Humphries, Koyama, Manuelito, Pavlovic, Stone(BLM)
6 7-Sep Lookout - 1990 B Plumas RDD Humphries, Koyama, Manuelito, Pavlovic, Stone(BLM)
7 10-Sep Twin Peaks - 1990 A Challis Amell, C.Irvine(NIFC), Humphries, J.Hofman(NIFC)
8 25-Sep S Fork Scott Creek - 1990 B Boise Stright, R.Morrow, Romero, Humphries, Madrid, Sanders
9 1-Oct Green - 1990 C Sawtooth Koncinsky, Bryning, Romero, Stright, Sanders, Palmer, Humphries, Hartjes


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 23-Jul Medivac/Bernard - 1991 C Salmon N.Keller, Meyers, Brondum, Fox, Humphries, McNabb, S.Mello, Seagraves, G.Dobbins, Wheeler, Bryning, Koncinsky, Pavlovic, Staats, Freshwater, Pierson, M.Cooper, Nieto, S.Anderson, Washington
2 4-Aug Routson - 1991 B Payette Humphries, Fox, Scissons, Gall
3 27-Aug Dwyer Fire - 1991 Salmon G.Dobbins,Seagraves,Humphries, G.Battaglia(FAI)
4 27-Sep Fawn Creek - 1991 D Payette Humphries, Romero, Spencer, M.Cooper, McNabb, Staats, R.Shoemaker, Meyers


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 27-Jun French Creek - 1992 B Payette Humphries, J.Hanson, Dwyer, Schaeffer, R.Hudson, P.Withen, Pavlovic, Shippelhoute
2 23-Jul Sheep Creek - 1992 A Boise Humphries, Pavlovic
3 3-Aug No Mans - 1992 B Boise Humphries, N.Keller, B.Bennett(NIFC), P.Brollier(NIFC)
4 17-Aug Big Flat - 1992 B Payette Romero, Meyers, Pavlovic, K.Hill, Humphries, Seagraves, S.Mello, P.Withen, S.Cross(NIFC), G.Herkshan(NIFC)
5 21-Sep Cliff Creek (20-Man Load) - 1992 D Bridger-Teton Pierson, Sanders, F.Russo,Madrid, Humphries, R.Morrow, Schow, Paieri, Wheeler, Feliciano, Staats, Duffy, Koncinsky, Brondum, Yeager, Romero, Pavlovic, Spencer, Meyers, K.Hill


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 23-Jul Lion's Creek - 1994 A Challis Humphries, Tyrrell
2 27-Jul Coyote - 1994 A Payette Humphries, Tyrrell, Pavlovic, Schaeffer


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 9-Jul Sheep Mountain - 1996 A Oregon BLM Vale District Humphries, Sayer
2 26-Jul Kimberly Mine Fire - 1996 B Payette Crawford, F.Russo, Rickard, LaBella, Schaeffer, Feliciano, Humphries, McPhetridge
3 15-Aug Mile HI - 1996 A Payette L.Wilson, D.McCarty(RDD), Humphries, S.Salisberry(RDD)
4 22-Aug Packer John - 1996 B SITPA Wheeler, Humphries, Seagraves, Sayer
5 12-Oct Wimstick Fire - 1996 A Payette Feliciano, Palm, Humphries, L.Wilson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 22-Jul Rough Creek - 1997 B Boise Spencer, L.Wilson, Seielstad, Schow,Fox, LaBella, Bierman, Sanders, Niccoli, Brondum, Humphries, C.Gustafson, Geving, Dwyer, K.Richards
2 10-Aug Tyndall Creek - 1997 A Boise Humphries, Palm


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 22-Jul V-863 - 1998 B Colorado BLM Grand Junction Humphries, V.Drobachin(USSR), Madrid, V.Ponomarev(USSR)
2 8-Aug Scott Creek # 214 - 1998 B BLM Oregon Humphries, Duzak, LaBella, S.Mello, Brundige, Schaeffer
3 12-Aug Bernard Creek - 1998 B Salmon-Challis Schricker, Humphries, Franzen, Niccoli, Dwyer, McPhetridge, Fox, D.Nelson
4 1-Sep Wapiti Point - 1998 C Clearwater Grangeville Crawford, Parker, Humphries, Berney


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 5-Aug Big Fire - 2000 C Manti-Lasal Vernal Drake, Crawford, Niccoli, Humphries, D.Gustafson, Dwyer


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 24-Jul Snowshoe (2nd Load) - 2001 D Salmon-Challis 15N-9E-18 F.Behm, Bierman, Caple, M.Cooper, Doane, Dwyer, Eastep, Ganz, R.Garber, Humphries, Niccoli, Pride, C.Behm
2 6-Aug Emery Fire - 2001 B Payette 18N-3W-32 S.Anderson, Drake, Feliciano, Humphries, S.Allen, Palm, Spencer, Brent.Sawyer
3 15-Aug Gabe's Bath Tub - 2001 B Boise 13N-2E-27 Charley, M.Cooper, Humphries, D.Nelson, Ohme, Williamson


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 8-Jul Cuprum - 2002 B Payette 20N-3W-17 Galyardt, R.Garber, Karin.Kaaen, Humphries, LaBella, Kilner, Palm, Skudlarek
2 16-Jul Sucker - 2002 A Payette 21N-2W-21 Daigh, Humphries
3 23-Jul Whitlock - 2002 B Idaho Lands 10N-2E-7 Caple, Ganz, Hoban, Humphries