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Michael R Tyrrell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 2-Jul Club Meadows - 1986 C Payette Loomis, R.Shoemaker, Cromwell, M.Cooper, J.Hanson, N.Keller, Meyers, R.Reid, Renshaw, Tyrrell
2 6-Jul Little Weiser - 1986 C Payette Hartgrave, J.Hanson, Pierson, Yensen, Meyers, P.Withen, Tyrrell
3 13-Jul Synder #3 - 1986 F BLM Moab Utah J.Hanson, Hartgrave, Cromwell, Yensen, Tyrrell, P.Withen, Meyers, Epoch, Staats, Beck, Brondum, Gall
4 2-Aug Woodard Gulch - 1986 A Boise Tyrrell, Meyers
5 7-Aug Little Anderson Creek - 1986 B Boise Yensen, Epoch, Fieldhouse, Koyama, Brundige, Tyrrell, Meyers, T.Pettitt(BLM)
6 9-Aug East Fork - 1986 B Boise Yensen, Fieldhouse, Epoch, Ogawa, Koyama, T.Pettitt(BLM), Meyers, Tyrrell, P.Withen, Hartgrave, M.Cooper, R.Brown(BLM), Farrell, J.Curd(BLM), Thrash, Wasser
7 12-Aug Snowbank - 1986 B Boise Tyrrell, P.Withen, Hartgrave, M.Cooper, Farrell, Thrash, J.Curd(BLM), G.Bassette(MSO), S.Betlach(MSO), J.Neeling(MSO), R.Embry(MSO), H.Peterson(MSO)
8 18-Aug Bailey Creek - 1986 B Bridger-Teton Duel, R.Cox(MSO), J.Hedges(MSO), Tyrrell, P.Withen, M.Cooper
9 23-Aug #217, #218 - 1986 B Okanogan NCSB Gall, Stright, Duel, Tyrrell, M.Cooper, P.Withen
10 7-Sep Tyee Mountain - 1986 A Boise Meyers, Tyrrell, Boardman, Weinrich


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 30-Jun Lodgepole - 1987 B Payette N.Keller, Tyrrell, Staats, Noble, Stout, R.Reid
2 6-Jul Swift's Canyon - 1987 C Wasatch Duzak, Murphy, R.Hudson, Meyers, S.Mello, Ginn, Nieto, Duel, Koyama, Goleta, Kennedy, Dark, Fox, Koncinsky, L.Wilson, McNabb, Tyrrell, Staats
3 31-Jul Bear Creek - 1987 B Payette Brundige, McNabb, Tyrrell, Staats, Hagen, R.Shoemaker, Boardman, Hartzell, Pettigrew, R.Brown, Ogawa, Buchanan, Dramstad, R.Reid, Brondum, Dolphin, Troeger, Bryning, G.Dobbins, S.Anderson
4 3-Aug Shrapnell - 1987 B Challis Pierson, Goleta, Kennedy, Fox, Dark, R.Hudson, L.Wilson, Koyama, Pride, Farrell, McNabb, Tyrrell, Cromwell, Epoch, Staats, Hagen, Boardman, Diederich, Hartzell, Pettigrew, R.Brown, Buchanan, J.Kitchen(BLM), Dramsted
5 9-Aug Fred's Mound - 1987 E Sawtooth Humphries, Bennett, Goleta, Fox, Dark, Brundige, L.Wilson, Pride, McNabb, R.Shoemaker, R.Bates, M.Cooper, Thrash, Ogawa, Beck, S.Mello, Tyrrell, Ginn
6 23-Aug Caton Creek - 1987 A Payette Tyrrell, Ginn
7 30-Aug Baldy - 1987 C Klamath Redding Koyama, G.Dobbins, M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, R.Fort(BLM), J.Kitchen(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM)
8 5-Sep Snag - 1987 E Lassen N.P. Redding M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, D.Arnold(RDD), R.Fort(BLM), A.Throne(RDD), R.Bloms(BLM)
9 14-Sep Chance - 1987 F Shasta-Trinity Redding M.Moore, Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, M.Cooper, J.Dodd(RDD), D.Arnold(RDD), R.Fort(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM), S.Norrod(BLM)
10 28-Sep Brushy - 1987 B Shasta-Trinity Redding J.Decker(RDD), Tyrrell, Ginn, Humphries, R.Bloms(BLM), S.Norrod(BLM), Duzak, L.Wilson
11 11-Oct South Fork Road - 1987 A Boise K.Coe(BLM), Buescher, L.Wilson, Fort(BLM), Tyrrell, Brundige
12 15-Oct Nine Mile - 1987 B Boise Humphries, Dramstad, McNabb, McCoy, Diederich, CR.Holder(BLM), S.Anderson, Stout, D.Gregory, Nieto, Dolphin, Pride, Kennedy, Goleta, Farrell, Pettigrew, Stright, L.Wilson, Tyrrell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 14-Jun A080 - 1988 C 25 A BLM Alaska Tanana R.Hudson, Tyrrell, P.Withen, Pettigrew, B.Quillin(BLM), N.Baker(RDD)
2 16-Jun A119 - 1988 6000 Acres BLM Alaska Galena L.Wilson, R.Hudson, Tyrrell, M.Decoteau(BLM), M.Ierien(BLM), G.Dunning(BLM), P.McGrane(BLM), R.Bloms(BLM)
3 27-Jun Bally Mountain - 1988 A Payette Tyrrell, Rush
4 8-Jul Pocket Creek - 1988 D Bridger-Teton Krebs, Buchanan, Diederich, J.Hanson, Koyama, Kennedy, Schow, R.Hudson, G.Dobbins, Seagraves, Pettigrew, Tyrrell
5 12-Jul Upper Falls - 1988 B Bridger-Teton R.Brown, Schow, Pettigrew, Tyrrell, Ogawa, R.Reid, Dramstad, R.Mello, Dark, Amell, Bryning, Beck,
6 26-Jul Medicine - 1988 B Klamath Redding Tyrrell, Carothers, Buchanan, Krebs, T.Loughton(RAC), R.Jonasse(RAC)
7 6-Aug Trail Creek - 1988 A Boise Tyrrell, Carothers
8 12-Aug Monumental Creek - 1988 B Payette R.Shoemaker, Fox, S.Mello, Tyrrell, Bennett, Stout
9 14-Aug Maxwell Point - 1988 A Payette Tyrrell, S.Murphy(RDD)
10 17-Aug Coyote - 1988 Bridger-Teton Tyrrell
11 21-Aug Fayette - 1988 B Bridger-Teton Amell, Bittenbender, R.Dunton(MSO), Robinson(MSO), J.Conley(MSO), K.Erickson(MSO), L.Wilson, Tyrrell,
12 21-Aug Fayette - 1988 B Bridger-Teton L.Wilson, Beck, Tyrrell
13 29-Aug Corral Creek - 1988 C Beaverhead Amell, Bittenbender, L.Wilson, Tyrrell, Robinson(MSO), K.Erickson(MSO)


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 12-Jul White Rock - 1989 A Ashley Vernal Spike Base Koyama, Tyrrell, Amell, Madrid
2 20-Jul Burgdorf Junction - 1989 B Payette Ogawa, Madrid, Tyrrell, Romero, R.Reid, Seagraves
3 22-Jul Talc Creek - 1989 B Payette S.Mello, T.Evans(MSO), Murphy, T.Carlsen(MSO), J.Hanson, Manuelito, Tyrrell, Madrid
4 25-Jul Red Mountain - 1989 D Boise Murphy, Manuelito, J.Hanson, Tyrrell, Madrid, Dramstad, Seth, H.Sotela(RDD), J.Button(RAC), Duffy, Boardman, R.Morrow, Romero, R.Reid, S.Kubota(RDD), S.Mello, R.Mello, W.Davis, McCoy, J.Firestone(BLM)
5 27-Jul Summers - 1989 B Payette C.Nebeker(BLM), B.Derham(BLM), Murphy, Manuelito, Tyrrell, Madrid
6 1-Aug Steel - 1989 A Boise Amell, B.Derman(BLM), Manuelito, Tyrrell
7 4-Aug Vinegar Hill - 1989 D Payette E.Rajala(MSO), Bennett, Scissons, K.Mally(RAC), N.Baker(RDD), Emerson, D.Belsby(RAC), Bittenbender, T.Loughton(RAC), R.Bente(RDD), Manuelito, Tyrrell, J.Reeve(RAC), P.Armour(RAC), Seagraves, S.Holliday(RAC)
8 10-Aug Starvation - 1989 B Payette Bittenbender, Manuelito,Tyrrell, Seagraves, R.Hurley(BLM), W.Wasser(BLM), G.Battaglia(BLM), R.Dow(BLM)
9 19-Aug Harlen - 1989 B Payette Manuelito, Tyrrell, Seagraves, G.Battaglia(BLM)
10 16-Sep Iron - 1989 C Sawtooth Pride, Dougherty, Carothers, Duzak, Duffy, Tyrrell, Pierson, Brondum
11 25-Sep Duck Slop-Over - 1989 C Payette Humphries, Boardman, Bennett, Pettigrew, Brondum, R.Shoemaker, Murphy, Nieto, Tyrrell, Amell
12 27-Sep Cabin Creek - 1989 A Payette Nieto, Tyrrell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 4-Aug Scott Creek - 1993 A Boise Comanche, Tyrrell
2 22-Aug Sunday - 1993 A Payette Ogawa, Tyrrell


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 21-Jun Hen Creek - 1994 B Payette Buescher, R.Bates, LaBella, Dwyer, S.Mello, Yeager, Tyrrell, Scissons
2 1-Jul Lake Fork Fire - 1994 C Wallowa-Whitman R.Hudson, Tyrrell, Scissons, Shippelhoute, Daigh, K.Richards, Buescher, Guenzler, J.Reid, K.Morrow, Seielstad, McPhetridge
3 9-Jul Blue Fire - 1994 D Challis R.Hudson, S.Mello, Daigh, LaBella, Tyrrell, Buescher, Pavlovic, Schaeffer, Feliciano, M.Cooper, Crawford, Hartjes
4 23-Jul Lion's Creek - 1994 A Challis Humphries, Tyrrell
5 25-Jul Willow - 1994 A Payette R.Hudson, Tyrrell
6 27-Jul Coyote - 1994 A Payette Humphries, Tyrrell, Pavlovic, Schaeffer
7 29-Jul Van Meter - 1994 A Payette McCoy, Tyrrell, Pavlovic, Schaeffer
8 31-Jul Cougar - 1994 B NezPerce S.Anderson, Tyrrell, Pavlovic, Schaeffer
9 2-Aug Granite - 1994 B Payette S.Bierman(RDD), G.Messinger(RDD), E.Jochin(RDD), Scissons, Cromwell, McPhetridge, Seielstad, Tyrrell
10 3-Aug Griz - 1994 B Payette J.Spence(RDD), C. CummingsRDD), S.Franke(RDD), A.Cravens(RDD), L.Scott(RDD), S.Bierman(RDD), G.Messinger(RDD), Scissons, McPhetridge, Seielstad, Tyrrell
11 4-Aug Goat Creek - 1994 B Payette S.Franke(RDD), A.Cravens(RDD), L.Scott(RDD), Seielstad, Tyrrell
12 7-Aug Red Top Meadows - 1994 B Payette Beck, Seielstad, Freshwater, S.Anderson, Tyrrell, Staats, P.Withen, L.Scott(RDD), M.Tupper(FBX), C.Houde(FBX), D.Whitmer(FBX), M.Tenneson(FBX)
13 12-Aug Porphory - 1994 B Payette Maxwell, Palm, Tyrrell, S.Mello, S.Franke(RDD), J.Spence(RDD)
14 16-Aug Hand Creek - 1994 A Payette Palm, Tyrrell, S.Mello, Bierman,S(RDD)
15 19-Aug Wood Hump - 1994 B NezPerce Buescher, Tyrrell, McPhetridge,Sanders, S.Anderson, B.Harris(RDD), Feliciano, M.Cooper
16 28-Aug Meadow Mountain - 1994 C Wallowa-Whitman R.Shoemaker, Palm, Staats, P.Withen, Spencer, Charley, J.Reid, Tyrrell
17 4-Sep Mitchell - 1994 B Payette McCoy, Feliciano, Bryning, Staats, Tyrrell, R.Yeager(RDD), McPhetridge, Sanders
18 19-Sep Elkhorn - 1994 B Challis S.Anderson, Feliciano, McPhetridge, Tyrrell, Seagraves, Staats, Buescher, P.Withen
19 24-Sep Fox Point - 1994 E Wallowa-Whitman Nieto, Hartjes, Feliciano, Geving, Tyrrell, Seagraves, R.Shoemaker, Staats, Charley, Paieri, Spencer, McCoy, Daigh, Koontz, Rickard
20 7-Oct Black Lake - 1994 B Wallowa-Whitman Guenzler, P.Withen, Hartjes, Feliciano, Tyrrell, Seagraves, Spencer, Bryning, M.Cooper, Seielstad, Palm


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 29-Jul Ogawa - 1995 A Payette Bierman, Ogawa, R.Morrow, Tyrrell
2 1-Aug Bear Creek - 1995 C Payette Bierman, R.Morrow, Scissons, Hartjes, Tyrrell, Shippelhoute, K.Richards, S.Mello, Ogawa, Bowers, M.Moore, C.Gustafson
3 17-Sep North Kennally - 1995 B Payette Maxwell, Sayer, Tyrrell, C.Fisher


Jump Date Name Class Forest Legal Other Jumpers
1 17-Jun A-469 - 1996 G BLM Alaska Tanana McCoy, Paieri, Tyrrell, Feliciano, K.Richards, Kerley
2 18-Jun A-485 - 1996 B BLM Alaska State of Alaska Paieri, Tyrrell, McCoy, Feliciano, K.Richards, Kerley
3 22-Jun A-528 - 1996 B BLM Alaska State of Alaska Feliciano, Paieri, Kerley, Tyrrell, K.Richards
4 24-Jun A-542 - 1996 F BLM Alaska State of Alaska Paieri, Tyrrell, Feliciano, K.Richards, Kerley
5 8-Jul A-619 - 1996 B BLM Alaska State of Alaska K.Richards, Paieri, Kerley, Feliciano, Tyrrell
6 27-Jul # 109 - 1996 C Malheur Redmond Shippelhoute, Niccoli, Palm, Maxwell, Beck, Tyrrell, Brundige, Duzak
7 1-Aug # 873 Hemlock - 1996 B Winema Redmond Tyrrell, Kerley, Carothers, Scissons, C.Fisher
8 6-Aug Willow - 1996 B Payette Scissons, F.Russo, Seielstad, L.Wilson, Crawford, C.Fisher, Tyrrell, Kerley
9 8-Aug # 317 Two Color - 1996 B Wallowa-Whitman Scissons, Tyrrell, C.Fisher, Kerley, P.Withen, F.Russo, B.Shoemaker, S.Hobkins(RAC), M.Gibbons(RAC), R.Rucker(RAC), R.Rubio(RAC), B.Selby(RAC)
10 13-Aug Upper Fire - 1996 Eldorado Redding Kerley, Scissons, Tyrrell, F.Russo
11 15-Aug Morris - 1996 B Shasta-Trinity Redding Kerley, Scissons, Tyrrell, F.Russo
12 26-Aug # 1378 - 1996 A Deschutes Redmond F.Russo, Tyrrell
13 11-Sep Sheep # 2 - 1996 A Boise F.Russo, Tyrrell
14 27-Sep Piney Creek (20-Man Load) - 1996 E BLM Idaho Shosone District Scissons, Carothers, McPhetridge, Geving, Sayer, Hartjes, McCoy, Schaeffer, Fox, Kerley, Maxwell, Brundige, Palm, Sanders, Madrid, Feliciano, Pride, Meyers, Tyrrell, Pavlovic